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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with Tikvah Family Services

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Children?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a modern psychological approach that helps individuals build psychological flexibility by accepting their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting them. For children, ACT focuses on teaching them how to engage with their emotions and thoughts in a healthy way, develop a sense of mindfulness, and commit to actions that align with their values. This therapy encourages children to embrace their experiences and take meaningful actions towards their goals, despite the presence of difficulties.

What Age is ACT Therapy For?

ACT therapy can be adapted for various age groups, including children, adolescents, and adults. For children, ACT is generally introduced starting from around age 6 and up. The therapy is tailored to be age-appropriate, using simplified language and interactive techniques to engage younger clients effectively. For older children and adolescents, ACT can be applied with more complex strategies that align with their developmental stage and cognitive abilities.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with Tikvah Family Services 2

What Are the 4 A’s of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

The 4 A’s of ACT represent core processes that are integral to the therapy:

  1. Acceptance: Encouraging individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings without judgment or resistance. This process helps in reducing the struggle against internal experiences and fosters emotional openness.
  2. Awareness: Cultivating mindfulness to increase awareness of present-moment experiences. This includes noticing and being present with one’s thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
  3. Action: Committing to actions that align with personal values and goals. This involves setting and pursuing meaningful goals despite challenges or discomfort.
  4. Authenticity: Embracing one’s true self and values. Authenticity in ACT means living in a way that is true to oneself, rather than conforming to external expectations or avoiding discomfort.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Kids

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for kids involves using developmentally appropriate techniques to help children learn to accept and manage their emotions, while also taking action towards their values. Key aspects include:

  • Using Play and Imagination: Engaging children in activities and stories that help them understand and apply ACT principles in a fun and relatable way.
  • Teaching Mindfulness: Helping children develop mindfulness skills to stay present and aware of their feelings and thoughts.
  • Setting Goals: Assisting children in identifying and working towards personal goals that are important to them, despite any fears or challenges.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Adolescent Worksheets

For adolescents, ACT worksheets are valuable tools that help them engage with the concepts of acceptance and commitment. These worksheets may include:

  • Mindfulness Exercises: Activities to practice being present and aware of their thoughts and feelings.
  • Values Clarification: Exercises to help identify personal values and set goals aligned with these values.
  • Cognitive Defusion Techniques: Strategies to help separate oneself from unhelpful thoughts and reduce their impact.

ACT for Adolescents

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adolescents focuses on addressing the unique challenges faced during adolescence, such as identity development, peer pressure, and emotional regulation. ACT helps adolescents:

  • Develop Emotional Resilience: By learning to accept and manage their emotions rather than avoiding them.
  • Enhance Self-Awareness: Through mindfulness practices and reflection on personal values.
  • Make Value-Based Decisions: By committing to actions that reflect their true self and long-term goals.

Get Started with ACT at Tikvah Family Services

At Tikvah Family Services, our skilled therapists offer Acceptance and Commitment Therapy tailored to the needs of children and adolescents. Our approach helps young clients develop resilience, embrace their experiences, and pursue meaningful goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how ACT can support your child or adolescent in achieving emotional well-being and personal growth.